
DrCaldwell, also known as Unconfirmed Reptile, Wonderful Lizard and Radical Lizard, was an SCP Wiki member, one of the first and most notorious participants of the burgeoning SCP community. Along with Kain Pathos Crow, Dr Kondraki, Dr Rights, Dr Bright, LBD, and other early members of the SCP Wiki, Caldwell was among the inaugural players of Fieldwork, the original SCP Foundation RP where much of the SCP role playing tradition can trace its roots to. Notorious for poor writing and for covering topics considered to be inappropriate or done in bad taste and the tenor and composition of his posts, it’s likely that he was a young minor during his time as an SCP Wiki member. In late 2010, the SCP Wiki Staff grew tired of him and Caldwell was permanently banned. This was the first permanent ban of a longtime site member, the second overall after the ban issued to the troll known by HAGGAR. Caldwell briefly tried to evade his ban using the alternate handle flock_of_whales but was quickly discovered and banned. In 2012, Caldwell appealed his ban but was unsuccessful.

I would like to appeal my ban. I believe it has been a full year. I still actively browse the site. Rather than try to get away with making an alt, I would rather ask if I could come back. I feel as if I am ready to contribute to the site. I have plenty of ideas for potential articles. But besides that, I believe I can handle a little more criticism than I could a year ago. If you do decide to let me back, I would greatly appreciate it. Not much else I can say. However, I would like to take this moment and say sorry for my past behavior. – DrCaldwell

Nothing more has been heard from Caldwell in any containment fiction communities since this ban appeal was denied. Much like how other early role players had their RP character names enshrined as SCP Wiki lore, there are many references to doctors, agents and civilians who have the in-fiction name “Caldwell” as a reference to the user, although not every instance of the name appearing is such a reference.

Last updated bypixelatedHarmony