Epic Phail Spy


Epic Phail Spy was an early SCP author active during the EditThis era of the SCP Wiki. Historically, they are known for SCP-018, and their work on DrGears SCP-682. Epic Phail Spy was also involved in the early organization of SCPs, and pushed for quality over quantity.[1]https://archive.ph/TzVOS#selection-8799.0-8817.2[2]https://archive.ph/xQdvZ#selection-1415.0-1441.174[3]https://archive.ph/xQdvZ#selection-1447.0-1447.144


Archived logs of recent changes to the EditThis Wiki show Epic Phail Spy active in numerous SCP articles.[4]http://web.archive.org/web/20080410112900/http://editthis.info/scp_wiki/Special:Recentchanges As of May 18, 2008 their EditThis profile page reads:

User:Epic Phail Spy

Age: ███ Name: Emmit Smith Assignment: Acquisitions of potential SCP Object Information

Letter from Dr. ███: Why the hell is this guy working here again? He has messed up, choked, omitted important details, ruined, and neglected safety procedures on so many occasions, he will, not may, but WILL cause serious problems in the future. Damnit, he can’t even order coffee here without violating several safety procedures. And all you do is give him some janitor work to punish him for it? I strongly advise his termination, if not for security of the SCP, then to remove him from the gene pool!

Note: Dr. ███ died two days later from Agent Smith’s failure to mark wet floors appropriately.

Well done —Agent X066 16:15, 8 May 2008 (EDT)

SCP In Progress: Junk Book. Comments Welcomed.

Item #: SCP-XXX

Object Class: Safe/Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Personnel that are to use the book are required to retrieve authorization from O5-█ before use. The book is to be restrained in it’s mechanical lock unless authorized to be used. Any information from SCP-XXX is to be recorded and stored by video and written copies. If the information is needed elsewhere, the written copies are to be changed to represent a viable and possible outlet for the transmitted information (See document XXX-419). In case of accidental gathering of information, O5-█ must be notified, and personnel must await further orders.

Description: ITS A BOOK!

Document XXX-149: Transmission of Critical Information

Date: March 28, 1981

From: FBI ██████████ (Note: Officially from FBI HQ, actually originated from SCP-XXX)

It has come to our attention that a Mr. John Hinckley, Jr. will be attempting an assassination attempt two days from now. Inform the Secret Service and local law enforcement of this.



The only known SCP written by Epic Phail Spy to survive is SCP-018, which was initially posted to the EditThis Wiki in early May 2008, and was later ported to WikiDot by Kain Pathos Crow in July 2008.[5]http://web.archive.org/web/20080517151230/http://editthis.info/scp_wiki/SCP-018[6]https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-018 In October 2008, it was vandalized as part of the Haggar attack.

The original SCP-018 on EditThis had a “Safe/Euclid” object class.[7]http://web.archive.org/web/20080614163758/http://www.editthis.info/scp_wiki/SCP-018 This was changed to just Euclid on the SCP Wiki version in December 2012 with a staff member’s permission.[8]https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-018


Per an interview with DrGears (Interviewing Icons – Dr Gears), WikiDot user WhiteGuard revealed that research conducted by Cooldude971 identified Epic Phail Spy as the previously unknown EditThis user who helped write portions of SCP-682.[9]https://archive.ph/TzVOS#selection-8799.0-8817.2

“As of the writing of this interview, your SCP-682: Hard-to-Destroy Reptile happens to be the eighth highest-rated article on the site. Despite it being your highest-rated work, you have mentioned feeling bad about it being partially rewritten by some unknown anonymous user. One of our users, cooldude971, was able to find the original thread and was able to figure out that the user who helped rewrite it for you happened to be known as Epic Phail Spy.”

The specific portions of SCP-682 Epic Phail Spy contributed include the escape roster and the transcript.[10]https://archive.ph/xQdvZ#selection-2091.41-2091.71[11]http://web.archive.org/web/20080617062348/http://www.editthis.info:80/scp_wiki/Talk:SCP-682



Epic Phail Spy is responsible for the famous ” …they were… disgusting…” line in SCP-682.[12]http://web.archive.org/web/20080617062348/http://editthis.info/scp_wiki/Talk:SCP-682


1, 9 https://archive.ph/TzVOS#selection-8799.0-8817.2
2 https://archive.ph/xQdvZ#selection-1415.0-1441.174
3 https://archive.ph/xQdvZ#selection-1447.0-1447.144
4 http://web.archive.org/web/20080410112900/http://editthis.info/scp_wiki/Special:Recentchanges
5 http://web.archive.org/web/20080517151230/http://editthis.info/scp_wiki/SCP-018
6, 8 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-018
7 http://web.archive.org/web/20080614163758/http://www.editthis.info/scp_wiki/SCP-018
10 https://archive.ph/xQdvZ#selection-2091.41-2091.71
11 http://web.archive.org/web/20080617062348/http://www.editthis.info:80/scp_wiki/Talk:SCP-682
12 http://web.archive.org/web/20080617062348/http://editthis.info/scp_wiki/Talk:SCP-682