Chaos Insurgency (Wiki)


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The Chaos Insurgency Wiki is a containment fiction writing website and its associating community.[1] It is an unofficial spin-off from the SCP Foundation’s canon focused on the ‘group of interest’ of the same name.


Chaos Insurgency’s format documents an item in their arsenal, which are usually anomalous objects which are used by the eponymous Chaos Insurgency to further their own agenda. There are supplemental formats for Persons of Interest and several collaborative logs, but these contents are marginal compared to the quantity of writing in the Item Arsenal format.

Above: Typical piece of Item Arsenal format writing. (link)

The first object is the Bell of Entropy, which is also the most popular work on the site according to their ratings system. Similarly to the SCP Foundation Wiki, it primarily uses the upvote/downvote metric to judge quality and to govern their deletion process.


The Chaos Insurgency Wiki was created on WikiDot on December 30th, 2013, by original founder DrHockenberry. The current foundation of the community came about as a result of a merger between two pre-existing communities which were utilizing the Chaos Insurgency as their respective framing device. Originally, the community was orienting itself towards being made an “official” spin-off wiki, similarly to how the active Wanderers’ Library and defunct Global Occult Coalition Wikis functioned.

In the course of attempting to gain the favor and acceptance of the SCP Wiki, a Mass Edit was initiated in which no new works could be posted and all existing works were judged, with many deleted. The high number of deletions was compounded by the policy of deleting any article which was not rewritten by an arbitrary deadline.

This was a devastating event for the community. While it had previously enjoyed a small but active and dedicated group of writers, the Chaos Insurgency now had almost nobody contributing and much of its canonical framework having been shredded.

Since cancelling their Mass Editing project, the community has been focused on rebuilding and continuing their existence, which they have done up to the year 2021. This makes them the second-oldest continually active containment fiction community, after the SCP Foundation.


CI Wiki Rules & Join Page

Chaos Insurgency Oral History

January 14 2015, SynIRC, #thisisaplace



