


Former admin of the Backrooms-wikidot here, just giving the vibe the wiki is giving nowadays.

Personnal view but the new theme sucks ass, it's not as vibrant as it used to be.

A lot of the content seems to have been remade not really respecting the original work on it. All the community green-litted were removed, some content because no being aligned to the new admin views, was removed. A lot of the articles "reworked" feels like they're coming straight of the SCP wiki but instead of "entities" you have "places".

But the worse isn't the "front", it's the back.

Let's talk about the new admin team.

Being tolerant is their big word and being against their view in any sort of way is bad.

You can't reason them, and people taking your side is as much in wrong as you were.

Most of the first-timer in the backrooms wikidot community would tell you I'm not a mean guy, but boy, the new staff want to make me being mean. I've seen other good people being banned because of different opinions about certain things, rightfully so.

This new team is now stuck in its own head, among all the elitism it now required to be a good contributor to the wiki.

You mustn't go against the admin team or it will steam roll you to death. I do not personally know who the admin are, but the displayed behavior they have is insufferable and is unfit to the standards they set to the community they are administrating.

I do not encourage however any kind of guerilla against the backrooms wikidot administration team. They already damaged the community enough and might be the actors of the backrooms-wikidot undoing. I lost all interest in the community and I'm not the only one to feel like this.So please stay civil, I have spoken my mind and I can only hope that they improve themselves.


all 29 comments


9 points

2 days ago

I agree but I don't wanna get banned

Personnal view but the new theme sucks ass, it's not as vibrant as it used to be.


Being tolerant is their big word and being against their view in any sort of way is bad.

I've seen other good people being banned because of different opinions about certain things, rightfully so.



8 points

2 days ago

what sorts of views they not tolerate? a lot of views should be tolerated but obviously some views shouldn't be


5 points

2 days ago

as in the kind of shit where you cant say "retard"


3 points

2 days ago



3 points

2 days ago

fandom page go brrrr


3 points

1 day ago*

Fuck Tech Support, Fuck Their Wiki, Fuck Their Admins (Mainly I'm Etoile), I told them how to fix their dying website months ago and they didn't listen. Praise be the future of Liminal Archives.

Fuck the TS admins mainly Etoile. For these reasons:

  • shadowbanned on the Discord Server and my Backrooms Wikidot Membership under false and cherry picked "evidence" of transphobia, homophobia, racism, bigotry. As well as working with banned members and helping/creating the idea of Liminal Archives. (This part is true)

  • After I was shadowbanned I learned that their ban poll lasted 5 minutes which gave no admins a chance to vote and gave me essentially a 0% chance of being acquitted. (I know this from 3 admins who said they would have voted against the ban but didn't know the ban was happening. And one person who tried to get them to discuss it with me first but was shunned and the idea of talking to me first was thrown out immediately (kinda stupid)

  • They never discussed or talked about the ban to me before nor after, which would have been a much easier solution. (Especially considering I am their biggest content creator and promoter)

  • I had to fight for my chance to appeal and to share my side of the story and then became the first person to ever be unbanned in Tech Support History from appeals

  • After I was unbanned I was not given an apology from the one who wrongfully banned me in a rash decision (Etoile) but instead was given an apology form someone who wasn't even apart of the ban situation, one of the admins who would have voted against me but didn't know the poll happened. (I have proof)

  • Even though I'm unbanned now I never speak and the server just gets worse abd worse as I see people make clearly satirical and funny jokes but get threatened with a ban. A BAN. (NOT A WARN) A BAN. Over a fucking satirical joke. And it's always Etoile who makes the ban threat, every time. It's sad that you can't have comedy in the TS server because of SJW's like Etoile.

  • Etoile is also a ego bitch, I heckled on 1000dumplings for claiming she "wrote" level 0 when in fact she just rewrote it. But then Etoile rewrote level 0 and removed 1000Dumplings credit. Why would you do that you fucking egocentric bitch, why can't you have both rewrite credits on it? Fucking credit hungry hippo.

  • They attempted to ruin my reputation and tricked people of the their Discord Server to believe I was a bad person and was to not be mentioned nor talked about in the community, with many people turning against me. This plan failed miserably as I am now unbanned and still on the server, however my feeling toward the incident, the wiki, and moderation team stay the same. F U C K. Y O U.

  • If it isn't clear to anyone, after I return on YouTube I will no longer be working with the Tech Support Wikidot as I believe the wiki has gone to shit and that the people running it are a bunch of dumbasses who are turning it into another SCP ripoff, which I noticed and mentioned to them in Late October 2020 (3.5 months ago) but they never fucking listened. The events of my shadowban were the breaking point.

  • As of now I am working with the members of Liminal Archives and doing Backrooms content the way I envisioned it to be written and produced. The way I said the TS wiki could improve 3.5 months ago.

That's my rant for now. Fuck Tech Support admins. Go Liminal Archives

Mr. C. Ferrante, out this bitch


4 points

1 day ago

Also, I agree the new theme is dog shit


1 points

16 hours ago

its just turned into fandom with extra steps at this point


-2 points

24 hours ago

I'm half-tempted to delete this because of the remark on gender. It's your opinion, cool, but keep that kind of discussion out of the sub please. Ad hominem isn't valid criticism. I'm tentatively leaving this up for now.


1 points

24 hours ago

What Remark :) lmAo


1 points

19 hours ago

I also dislike the wikidot imo, but its just so convenient that its hard NOT to go on it. Especially since the Fandom is just a mess to navigate, and it has been abandoned for a while.


1 points

19 hours ago

Say, you mentioned the Liminal Archives. Are they new? I haven't heard of that site before until you mentioned it.


2 points

17 hours ago

I came up with the idea before I was banned because I was tired of the website


1 points

16 hours ago

I like the idea.


0 points

17 hours ago

As someone who just likes Liminal Spaces and intentionally doesn't engage with the community, reading this makes a bad case for you being wrongfully attacked or punished. This all just reads like someone who can't handle negative interactions and feels the need to control public perception.

Sucks you personally had a bad experience there, but this comment doesn't help your case at all, just puts you in a bad light.


1 points

17 hours ago

Although this may put a bad light, they did the same things to be because they couldn't handle my negative criticism and building of seperate competition. They tried to tarnish my name to control the public perception of me. So it gives me all the right to to the same back, I know I'm him the right in this situation and I couldn't care less of what they think of me, because I'm no longer working with them.

Either way, I don't even give a shit anymore, I just thought I'd dump it somewhere, so here it is


1 points

16 hours ago

Well, to be clear, it doesn't paint them in a good light either. But it makes me less likely to try Liminal Archives or really any community projects outside Reddit simply because these community traits are the exact thing I'm not interested in engaging in. Respect to venting, like i get it, just if you're gonna mention your competing service (or one inspired by you, ownership unclear) then maybe don't go full bore in the community post? Unless you're only interested in people who are willing to engage at this level that is.


1 points

19 hours ago

Personnal view but the new theme sucks ass, it's not as vibrant as it used to be.

I thought I was the only one who thought this way! I loved the old design, with the level 0 wallpaper as the banner and overall yellow/goldish aesthetic. Yellow is my favourite colour, after all. But with the new recolor, its not only more difficult to look at, but it also doesn't fit the backrooms aesthetic, and overall just feels messier imo. And worst of all, the icon on the top bar doesn't even match the meg logo! Plus, the new font is horrendous.


1 points

18 hours ago

Funny how you conveniently forgot to mention that all of the "different opinions" people have been banned for happen to fall under transphobia, homophobia or racism.

As for articles being rewritten, it was only a handful that were very poorly written originally. This is something that we've done since the beginning. It isn't some new administration ruining the wiki bs. Most things that have been rewritten or deleted were done so because they had enough downvotes as per the deletion policy anyway.

I do kind of agree with you on the theme though. It's an objectively better theme than they had before, and unlike the old theme it isn't made of code stolen from SCP and RPC, but it doesn't fit the vibe as well.

(and don't even get me started on the nonsense that Ferrante is talking about. Most of that is either factually wrong, or framed maliciously. I can explain it if anyone wants me to)


1 points

16 hours ago

Could you elaborate on what from what he said was factually wrong or maliciously framed


1 points

15 hours ago


Okay, so for context Mr. Ferrante is a popular backrooms youtuber who has his own discord server. It came to the attention of the staff that he was good friends with a lot of people who had been previously banned for transphobia. When we looked into it, we found that there were a lot of people throwing around slurs in his discord as well as just generally bigoted things (including some things he himself said that were ignorant at best). This isn't something we want at the wiki, so we banned him. Now, he appealed his ban, and we ultimately decided that he was just terrible at moderating his server, and that we can't really ban him for just being friends with transphobes, so he was unbanned, and the staff owned up to it. Additionally he and the banned members made their own backrooms wiki which is what he is referring to in his message

Now, as for his specific complaints

shadow banned

This is kind of our fault. We didn't realize that discord doesn't send the person who was banned the ban reason, so he wasn't told why until he asked us personally

Cherrypicked evidence

This is referring to a bunch of screenshots showing people in his server using slurs and making some pretty bigoted statements. He claims it's cherrypicked. By that he means that the screenshots were from messages over a few months, and it's not like that was happening constantly, but I would argue that people should just not be using slurs at all

Their ban poll lasted 5 minutes and no admins got a chance to vote

This is based on some huge exaggerations from a now banned admin. He's not lying here, but he is mistaken. The poll lasted for 24 hours, and all active staff members voted unanimously for his removal, including 2/4 of the admins (that's right Ferrante, both Stretch and Ev okay'd it)

3 admins who would have voted against the ban

I'm not sure where he got the number 3 from, but I will say this. 1 admin (Knaff) who was on his side the whole time would have voted in his favor, but was inactive at the time. It would not have changed anything because that's how democracy works. 1 other admin (Stretch) later decided that he made the wrong decision in voting to ban Ferrante (I mean, most of us did eventually considering we unbanned him). I'm guessing number 3 is Ev, but I don't think Ferrante is right about that

They never discussed the ban with me before or after

We generally don't ask people for permission to ban them, and yes we did talk to him after, we had a whole ban appeal

Especially considering I'm their biggest content creator

Our primary value is not clout

I had to fight for my chance to appeal

No he didn't, we let everyone who was banned appeal

I was not given an apology by the person who banned me in the first place

Well, first off, this was a decision on behalf of most of the staff, but I guess he has a point there.

I've seen people who make clearly satirical and funny jokes get threatened with a ban

Not sure what he's talking about here. We always start with a mute unless they're spamming or something. And yes, we don't allow jokes that make fun of marginalized groups. Get over it

Etoile is an ego bitch

This whole paragraph is about a specific situation I have never seen a single person complain about until now. I guarantee that if Ray wanted Eto to make it clearer that Ray had rewritten it in the past, Eto would have no problem with that.


1 points

9 hours ago*

Funny how you conveniently forgot to mention that all of the "different opinions" people have been banned for happen to fall under transphobia, homophobia or racism.

Funny you thought that because I didn't specify transphobia, homophobia and racism being the differents opinion I was somehow okay with such behaviors. Thoses type of intolerances can rot in the most rancid bellows of the nine circles of hell for all I care. I can only excuse myself if I hadn't made that clear the first time.

The moderation/admin team is absolutely right for punishing people being transphobic, homophobic and racist; but sadly that was not my point. My point here was to express the lack of nuance and measure the said team is having regarding said behavior.

Moderating a community requires to be able to nuance your reaction in presence of something wrong, a great example can be found in this post's comments. u/NO-AVAILABLE-NAMES is showing what any good moderator should do: warn once, then execute the punishment the second time things go to far. I didn't see such a process in the new team. People are involved and people can not expected to behave always perfectly.

As for articles being rewritten, it was only a handful that were very poorly written originally. This is something that we've done since the beginning. It isn't some new administration ruining the wiki bs. Most things that have been rewritten or deleted were done so because they had enough downvotes as per the deletion policy anyway.

True, since the beginning the the vote system is here to allow users to indicating which pages they thought are better and which are bad. I should also give credit to the writing quality improvement, but again, not my point, I'm talking about the "vibe" those article have, but that may be to much of a personal view.

However I can hardly understand how such pages such as the original Level 0 was bad to the point of needing a re-write since this page (original level 0) has clearly more vote (+67 vs +35) than the new and improve one (don't worry I saved the previous version in cas some page deletion is done).

, and unlike the old theme it isn't made of code stolen from SCP and RPC,

Now I'm going to cite Aslan and tell you:

Do not cite the deep magic to me, I was here when it was written

As I mentioned I'm an old admin of the conversed wikidot. But I also was the first (and only one at the time) responsible for a lot of technical thing such as the theme. While I didn't choose the theme I worked with it. Let me get that straight: the theme code is available right here , anyone can see it, anyone can edit it or use it. While not having a correct and all neat GPL3 license, the authors let an open access to their code. Furthermore, the previous theme was based on a SCP theme which is accessible here (this theme being based on the previously linked), and as for the previous one, it is freely accessible and made into a convenient wikidot component so other user can reuse it and modify it.

The big problem the old theme had however is that it was a mess of code. Dependencies from right to left, an absolute horror to work with, the code needed to be re-written and I can only hope that this new theme also brought a cleaner code base which I would prefer over the "style" of the theme any day.

Anyway, don't forget people are people, they disagree, some say stupid shit that need to be slap hard but other say stupid shit that must be slap even harder, not everyone deserve an Armageddon slap. I hope the new team continue their work and improving the wiki's content, but please I hope they would act more wisely when dealing with their community.


1 points

3 hours ago

The moderation/admin team is absolutely right for punishing people being transphobic, homophobic and racist; but sadly that was not my point. My point here was to express the lack of nuance and measure the said team is having regarding said behavior.

Fair enough I suppose. You have still remained really vague with what exactly you're talking about, so it would be nice if you gave some examples.

warn once, then execute the punishment the second time things go to far. I didn't see such a process in the new team.

I think you're mistaken here. Looking through the public disciplinary logs, there are only a handful of recent permabans. All of these are either for people who were literally raiding the server, or people who had a repeated history of toxic behavior. The vast majority of disciplinary is 1-24 hour mutes or kicks. Perhaps we should do more warnings before moving onto other disciplinary, but I would argue that a kick does almost the same thing as a warning since they can join back instantly.

I'm talking about the "vibe" those article have, but that may be to much of a personal view.

Fair enough, that's your opinion. I personally think that the "vibe" is more fitting of the backrooms, as by moving away from clinical tone more and more we have tried to separate ourselves from SCP.

However I can hardly understand how such pages such as the original Level 0 was bad to the point of needing a re-write since this page (original level 0) has clearly more vote (+67 vs +35) than the new and improve one

The reason we chose to rewrite it (it had permission of the author of the previous version, so it's not like etoile was doing anything shady) was because the original version went so far away from the idea of the original post. Sure the original one had a lot of upvotes, but it's a very similar situation to SCP-049 (a page that was eventually rewritten with author permission). That page had a lot of upvotes before it's rewrite because it was well known, but everyone agreed it wasn't up to current SCP standards. For Level 0, the author of the previous version of the page supported it being rewritten so we didn't need to wait for it to drop below -5.

Let me get that straight: the theme code is available right here , anyone can see it, anyone can edit it or use it. While not having a correct and all neat GPL3 license, the authors let an open access to their code. Furthermore, the previous theme was based on a SCP theme which is accessible here (this theme being based on the previously linked), and as for the previous one, it is freely accessible and made into a convenient wikidot component so other user can reuse it and modify it.

Fair enough. I didn't mean to imply that anything illegal was going on.

The big problem the old theme had however is that it was a mess of code. Dependencies from right to left, an absolute horror to work with, the code needed to be re-written and I can only hope that this new theme also brought a cleaner code base which I would prefer over the "style" of the theme any day.

You would be happy then. Lynch did a very good job of making the theme compact.

I hope the new team continue their work and improving the wiki's content, but please I hope they would act more wisely when dealing with their community.

Mad respect for ending it on this type of note. I think you're mistaken with a lot of what you are saying, but you don't seem to be acting in bad faith.


1 points

4 hours ago


1 points

4 hours ago

i got banned for saying "yes" and they said it was tranphobia


1 points

2 hours ago

No Lcy, you were not banned for saying "yes". In fact, your ban actually had nothing to do with transphobia. Your ban had absolutely nothing to do with the screenshots you're referring to. No one cared that a message of yours happened to be in the screenshots out of context, we were more worried about the people throwing around slurs. What you were originally banned for was working with the splinter wiki to directly undermine with wikidot. Guess what. You were unbanned along with Ferrante, since you didn't actually do anything, you just talked big (well technically you evaded the ban, but we let it slide because it was a bad ban anyway. Ban evasion is against the rules no matter what, so you're very lucky we chose to not do anything about it). The reason you were banned a second time is that people who are banned from the rp server are also banned from the main server because it's unlikely that behavior will change drastically between servers. This is publicly available in the disciplinary logs. I know you have seen it because you've made comments before about how weird it is that we don't mention the "yes" incident in your disciplinary logs. I hope that clear things up.


1 points

2 hours ago


1 points

2 hours ago

Which staff are you


1 points

2 hours ago*

The reason I got banned from rp was [reason not given, its just total bs] When did I ban evade btw?


1 points

43 minutes ago

I can't comment on your rp server ban as that server has a different staff team. As for when you ban evaded. This was when the ban wasn't carried our correctly, so you were able to leave/rejoin to get rid of your "banned" role.


1 points

41 minutes ago

Oh you mean that, well if I didnt do that then I wouldn't have been unbanned at all, most likely